
Quick Facts About Mono

What is Mono?

Mono, short for mononucleosis, is a viral infection that commonly affects children and young adults.

What Causes it?

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the cytomegalovirus are often responsible for causing most cases of mono.

How Is it spread?

The virus is spread through the exchange of saliva. Because of the way mono is transferred it's often called the "Kissing Disease".

Ways I Can Get mono?

You can get mono by touching an infected utensil, by sharing drinks and foods with other, or just by shaking hands with someone who has mono.

How Long Is it Contagious For?

Mono can be contagious for up to 2 months. So, it's best to avoid sharing foods and drinks with an infected person.

What Are the Symptoms of Mono?

The main symptom of mono is fatigue. The appearance of other symptoms such as sore throat, fever, spleen complications, depend on your age and how severe your infection is. On average, it takes 4 to 8 weeks for the symptoms of mono to appear.

How Do I Treat it?

Unfortunately, there's no treatment or mono. But, getting a lot of bed rest and fluids, vitamins and herbal supplements while you have mono will help you recover.

How Long Does Mono Last?

The symptoms of mono lasts about between 2 to 4 weeks, but getting your energy level back to normal can take up to months.

How Do I Know If I Have Mono?

In children under 12, it's usually hard to diagnose mono, because mono symptoms are similar to flu-like symptoms. To confirm a diagnosis of mono you need to visit your doctor who will either perform a monospot test or another test to detect the virus.

Is Mono A Serious Condition?

No, mono is generally not a big health threat. However, complications some complications can form with mono that would need immediate medical attention to resolve.

Can I Get Mono More than Once?

Generally, people only get mono once. However, it's possible, yet rare, for some one to experience mono more than once.

What Are the Risk Factors of Mono?

People between the ages of 15 and 25 are at the highest risk of mono. As well as, those who: live in dorms or poorly ventilated area, kiss others often, share foods and drinks, and come in contact with an infected person, are also at a higher risk of developing mono.

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