
Mononucleosis Can Target the Eyes

Mono can cause eye irritation and it is not uncommon to have eye problems as part of the package. Often the eyes are red and swollen; however, there are also occasions of dry eyes associated with mono as well.

Treating Dry-Eyes Naturally

When mono is in the early stages, painful and sensitive eyes are not unusual - whether they are weeping and runny, or dry with affected vision. There are several ways to deal with the eye conditions.

Sore, painful eyes can be soothed naturally in the following ways:

· Slices of cucumber or cold tea bags placed over the eyes

· Cotton wool soaked in tepid water with a few drops of chamomile essential oil and then placed over the eyes

· A dark room away from bright and glaring light

· Dietary changes to include avocado, coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil, raw nuts and seeds

· Supplements for the eyes like vitamin A, high dose fish oils, Gingko Biloba, bilberry

If the eyes are constantly weeping or running, there may be other reasons that have compounded the initial onset with mono. These include:

· A secondary bacterial infection

· Allergy irritation

· Ingrown eyelash

· Conjunctivitis

What is Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is often referred to as "pink eye" and can accompany mono since the Epstein-Barr virus can be transmitted to the eyes through contaminated hands, washcloths or towels. Conjunctivitis that is spread virally can be potentially serious, not to mention highly contagious.

If the immune system is impaired, as it often is with mono, then the ability to fight infection is decreased, making infections more frequent.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis include:

· Itching

· Redness

· Sensitivity to light

· Feeling as though something is in the eye

· Swelling of the lids

· Discharge from the eyes

· Affected vision

Diagnosing conjunctivitis is done by a medical practitioner and usually doesn't require a culture to determine what it is. Usually this kind of eye infection can take between a few days and a couple of weeks to clear.

If, however, the infection is not clear within a couple of weeks, then a culture may be necessary to determine the strain of infection and what kinds of treatments would be best to address the issue.

Depending upon the cause of the infection, medication in the form of ointments, drops or pills may be recommended to help kill the germ infecting the eye.

In the case of allergic reactions, the appropriate medications are given to alleviate the allergy symptoms. A person with mono may have to let the eye infection just run its course.

10 Ways to Treat Conjunctivitis Naturally

There are ways to make a mono patient more comfortable if he or she is dealing with the discomfort of an eye infection.

1. Apply cool compresses to the infected eye(s) for a period of 10 to 15 minutes four times a day. A clean cloth should be used each time to avoid perpetuating or spreading the infection. This is helpful in addressing itching and swelling.

2. Keep the hands away from the eyes and be sure hands are washed often. Recontamination can occur from hands that are unclean touching the face.

3. Avoid rubbing the eyes.

4. Wear sunglasses if light is irritating.

5. Avoid contact with potential irritants like smoke, soap, eye makeup.

6. A clean pillow case every night helps to reduce re-infection.

7. Avoid contact lens use while using medications or if the eyes are sensitive.

8. Cleanse contact lenses thoroughly if the patient is able to wear them without discomfort.

9. Cleanse contact lenses and case thoroughly each day while the eyes are infected.

10. Cleanse contact lens case thoroughly before putting new contacts in it.


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